Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Every year I like to compile a list of people and things I am thankful for.

It's Thanksgiving 2010 and I have been up since 4am with a kid who is barfing all over my entire home. This is the first time he's ever vomited, not including baby spit up. About 5 minutes before his bath, he puked all over the hallway and then fell in it. For some reason, today, I find this comical rather than a tragedy. It's not that I don't feel sorry for him because I do. His little belly probably hurts so bad. But sometimes when bad things happen, all you can do is laugh to keep yourself from crying.

This year I give thanks for:

My husband John. My partner, my love, my friend. I am ever thankful today for his ability to sleep while I am cleaning up vomit because later today when I pass out from exhaustion, he can take over.

I am also grateful for his support both emotionally and monetarily. I am able to stay home with James because he works so hard. In this economy, that is a rare thing, so I also give thanks for his stable job.

My family. My mom and her crazy sisters. My cousins, my uncles, my grandma.

John's family. I love them like they are blood relatives and I am so happy that they accepted me into their close knit clan.

My son. He is a pistol but I know when he's 25 I'm going to look back and think about how little and sweet he was at this age.

I give thanks for my home, it is humble but I love it. My health and my ability to move, to run, to be strong. The fact that there is food in my belly every day when so many go without.

My cats who like to puke in random places (I detect a theme here) but they bring me joy.

My friends and for all the times we've shared.

There are so many more things I could name but these seem to be the most important to me today.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I hope you are thankful too.

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